eBooks & Access Codes

Shop Ebook Options:

Our primary partner for eBook code distribution is VitalSource, We do carry some titles from Campus eBookstore. All ebook products can be purchased in The Co-op Store or online, alongside all other course material options.

Ordering via the direct links on our homepage or below for VitalSource will allow INSTANT ACCESS to the purchased eBook title. Orders placed through the store will be filled during normal business hours. There may be delays in processing during heavy ordering periods at the beginning of the Fall & Spring Semesters.

 Shop for All Course Materials at iupstore.com    Shop VitalSource    
See all options in one place, by course. Includes traditional textbooks, looseleaf, rentals, ebooks and access codes.   Our primary eBook provider! Use this link for INSTANT ACCESS to your book. Access books through their eReader, called 'Bookshelf'.    










Campus Ebookstore, Publishers

    Use Campus Ebookstore for access codes directly from a publisher.    



Redeem an In-store purchase for an Access Code:

Your Campus eBookstore card will be given to you at your time of purchase. VitalSource codes will be available on your store receipt:

VitalSource eBook        Publisher Redeem  
VitalSource        Campus eBookstore